Web Page Designs
Domain Names
You’ve have made the decision that a webpage is what you need and now you are confronted with having to choose your domain name. Always get the domain name that matches your company name and then a domain name that matches the product or service you provide.
The two domain names can be run as one using what we call an alias. In fact you can run many domain names all pointing to the one.
Web Page Designs
WordPress, the server side software we use to create and manage your webpage, uses what is called wordpress themes, to give you the wide variety of designs available. While keeping the page names and content in place you are able to change the whole look and feel of your webpage with a single click.
As you load each theme your website takes on a whole new look and feel. Each wordpress theme gives you the ability to customize it’s many options, to make your choice of themes even more personal.
Web Page Hosting
When it comes to webpage hosting plans there’s a lot of options out there and they can be confusing to say the least.
For the most part we feel it’s best to use a local webpage hosting service provider ( Local being located in Australia – why? because it’s generally faster and support is available when you need it – no more sending emails and waiting for people to wake up and get out of bed before they answer you ). You can actually pick up the phone and talk to someone !
Search Engine Optimisation
When all the work has been done, the images are collected and the text has been drafted, and your website has been put together in a structured manor then it’s time to work on search engine optimisation. This is probably the most important part of the whole project. Without it you may have the best looking website on the planet, but no one will even know your website exists.