Keep a copy on the server

Keep a copy on the server :

Ok this one just had to be put on facebook. A lesson for those who just don’t know..

Today a customer comes in and says, I just had a reload done on my computer and everything is fine but there’s something wrong with my email. It keeps downloading emails from five years ago and that can’t be right….

Here’s the thing, if you set your email account to “keep a copy on the server” it will do exactly that.

Always, always always choose delete after “x” days… 7 is a good benchmark.

why? I hear you say (-;

If you keep a copy on the server it will enable you to also get a copy of all incoming emails to your phone or another device, a tablet for example or your other computer. But if you don’t set the failsafe of say a week it will simply keep everything. And I mean EVERYTHING…

So this customer has to keep downloading, downloading, take a cut lunch….. downloading well over 27 thousand emails.

Add another problem to the mix…. because it’s gonna take sooo….. long – the email program will time out, fail and guess what? – start all over again…

Here’s how to fix that little problem. Download a few hundred a time, then hit stop or cancel. It will clear what you have downloaded already and pickup from where you left off,

clearing the back log as it goes…

So there you go folks, keep a copy on the server for sure BUT ONLY FOR 7 DAYS…



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